Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Customer Support Business Planning


                                           Click on the course link to register

What will you learn in this course: In this course which is the 1st Customer Support Management series, we are going to learn how to create a Customer Support Business plan in alignment with the organization's goal. We have used a variety of case studies in each section so that you can understand the context of each section properly. Section 1: Introduction to Customer Support Department Head Leadership: In this section, you will be learning about your entry into the New/Existing customer support department and how you can get started by understanding your role to manage the end-to-end customer support department lifecycle. You will learn various Leaderships skills and relationship skills needed to drive your team. Section 2: Customer Support Maturity Stage: In this section, you will learn the various stage's a customer support center/department go through in the journey of support team setup like a tactical stage- reactive, tactical stage- proactive, strategic stage- customer-centric & strategic Stage - business-centric. We are going to take a case study to assess the Maturity of a Support Center and also we will conduct a SWOT Analysis on people, processes, and technology which plays a key role in assessing your department and come up with customer support business action point so that overall goal of the organization is achieved. Section 3: Business Planning & Strategy: In this section, we are going to take a case study to make you understand how to coordinate with the CEO, Business Heads to understand the overall strategic goal of the organization for the next 3 to 5 years and accordingly create Customer Support Department strategic, tactical and operation goals so that the overall business of the organization is achieved. We will also learn how as Department Head you will deal with Service Level Management, Operational Level Agreement & Standard Operating Procedures so that Customer Support Business planning is effectively executed and taken care of.

To know more information about Pricing & other details contact us by filling the form which you will find on the left-hand side of the website also click on the left-hand side to Chat/Email us.

Our Account Manager will immediately get back to you.





1 comment:

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