Support center Quality Assurance is a process where a Manager,
supervisor, QA specialist & Support Team Leader monitor and evaluate how
well, support professional handles customer interactions. A well-designed Quality
assurance process sets a mechanism to measure the quality and consistency of
service delivery, capturing customer insight, identifying trends, service
issues, and training/coaching opportunities to improve agent performance
increase productivity.
Quality Assurance Process is designed
by the Quality Manager in coordination with the Head of Support or Customer
Support Directors to Identify the Reason for Support Center Quality Assurance
and then build a process that provides continuous feedback. Set up a process
for capturing, Quantifying, and reporting the benefit from your QA programs.
Share the same with Support Professional, Managers, QA Team and Senior
Management team on an on-going basis, so that everyone appreciates the program contribution.
The benefit of Quality Assurance Program:
- Reduce operating expenses:
- Better quality transactions
- Increase customer satisfaction
- Enhanced customer experience
- Identifying training needs for the support team
- Identifying areas of improvement for Support Professional
- Identifying areas where process are not meeting expectations or are not being followed
- Validating information provided to the customer
- Ensuring that the incident documentation are properly being followed
- Improve Support Professional satisfaction
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