Thursday, September 26, 2019

Power & Value of Customer Support Center

Welcome to everyone this is my first blog, so I am excited! Thanks for visiting this Blog. As an individual first we should understand what does a Customer Support Center do? Customer Support Center is a department who interacts with Customers through various touchpoints like Chat, Email, Phone Call, Social Media, etc. In this touchpoints, the Customer Support Professional either resolve a Techsupport query which is more related to technical in nature, addressing Billing questions, answering basic questions related to the customer, so all this activity comes under Customer Support Center.

The Role of a Customer Support Center is to serve as a single point of contact (SPOC) for all end-users and business, we are accountable to handle incidents which are technical in nature and service the request which is more related to basic questions, while doing this we are supposed to handle the process effectively and provide guidance to the user in terms of information, advice. In order words, the Customer Support Center's primary concern is to provide RESOLUTION to the customer and in the process deliver exceptional Customer Experience. Moreover, the Customer Support Department is responsible for delivering, maintaining, and improving customer services.

Every Customer Support Center must have its own Mission & Vision to operate their Department the way Organization has.

Below are the Top 6 Mission & Vision of the Customer Support Center which adds value and Power of Support Center.

1. Providing Exception Customer Experience: This means as a Customer Support Agent one should put his best efforts in delivering value to the client. He should put his best product knowledge, process knowledge and show a customer-centric attitude to address customer issue, so that when a Customer close the call or any medium of Interaction he/she should feel excited about the services and there should be always a sense of satisfaction saying that Agent did his best that he could and must Rate our Service Good and this will have a positive impact for us from a Company brand standpoint. Always remember you as a Customer Support Agent is driving the Interactions so you are the one who can either make it or break it.

    2. Customer Retention: When it comes to Retention many times, we have heard from the Management or from the Business Team or Business head saying let’s retain the Client. Let’s me emphasize that when you provide an exceptional service to the clients they are automatically retained. Let's say we have a customer and they are giving us a Business of 1000$ every month and unfortunately we didn’t handle the case effectively and they decided to abandon our Product, so in such case, we are losing a 1000$ client which actually contributes to a 12000$ per year. Image if you had handled the Customer effectively, we could have prevented the churn. So, as a Customer Support Department, we should always handle the client effectively and automatically retention will happen.  

    3. Reducing Customer Efforts: Anytime we handle a Client we must always try to check if we can reduce the Customer Efforts. For example, you have a Client who just contacted before a Week regarding an error which he/she faced and she was told by the Customer Agent that it will be fixed at the earliest. Now assume that the same Customer contacted us and they would like to know the status of the case. So, in such instance as Customer Support Agent, we must proactively check the details and give updates rather asking the client about the case number, email address and all the details which we already have at our end. If we ask the information again his/she will get frustrate and will lead to dissatisfaction. So, the mantra is to try to Reduce Customer efforts by being proactive, so that we can raise our satisfaction bar.

4.Revenue Generation: Many a time I have found people saying that a Customer Support department is a COST center. Let me emphasize it is not a Cost Center, but I would say a Revenue Generating Center provided if we align our Customer Support Department to meet the Business Goal of our Organization. For an example, a Customer Support Team not only handles Technical or basic questions but they do handle Sales questions, they try to onboard new clients by providing correct information and guidance, also they are leveraged by the calling the client to retain and do basic billing collection calls in many organization to drive the ROI of the department. While doing this Organization is increasing the Revenue Generation which is leveraged with the help of our Modern Customer Support Center. So, always keep in mind we are not a Cost Center however we are a REVENUE Center.

Impact of Customer Interaction:

Let me now talk about how an ineffective Agent Interaction can impact company Revenue & Customer Lifetime value
Assume that we have a client who is having a Monthly subscription of 100$ per month. Now one of our Customer Support Agent didn’t handle the client effectively due to lack of Product knowledge, lack of Interactive skill or because of lack of other customer service skills. Now, this customer wants to cancel the service. In this instance, we are losing 1200$ per year. Let’s assume that this client would have stayed with us for 3 years then lost Lifetime value of the client is 3600$

Impact of Customer Experience communication on the Customer Lifetime value:

When a customer says “Good about our Service” it is normally communicated to 3 more people. Let’s say per client is giving us a business of 1200$ per month and they are going to stay with us for 3 years. So, Lifetime value per client is 3600$. So, because of the Customer Experience communication, we earned Potential Business of $10800 for 3 Client (3600$ * 3 = $10800)
When a Customer says “Bad about our Service” it is normally communicated to 9 more people. Let’s say per client is giving us a business of 1200$ per month and they are going to stay with us for 3 years. So, Lifetime value per client is 3600$. So, because of Customer Experience communication Potential Loss of $32400 for 9 Client (3600$ * 3 = $32400). So you can see how interaction at Customer Support Department matters because they have a direct correlation with Revenue.

 5. Act as a Voice of the Company: We at Customer Support Team are the front-line facing department; we deal with clients to resolve their issues and concerns. While doing this we get a lot of Feedbacks about the Product and services which helps Business Team, Management, CEO & the Product Management team to improve the Product. Once the feedback is implemented and the client is happy. Remember happy clients will get retained and will generate revenue. All this is possible because of the Feedback Mechanism set up and followed by the Customer Support Department.

    6. Maintaining Brand Impact & Public Relation: Customer Support Team is the front-line facing department they act as a Voice of the Company, so they must ensure that they're handling the customer politely by following all the Customer Service etiquette. Assume that one Customer Support Agent has been  rude to the Customer while handling the interaction, now in such instance, we will not only lose the Client but also may be impacted from a Brand standpoint because this client could post bad reviews on Social Media channels like Facebook. So, maintaining the Brand Impact is again a Prime role of the Customer Support Department

By the Reading this article I hope you got to understand that Customer Support Department is not a Cost Center but a Value Center.

So as a Support Agent, you have full power and you contribute to the Business a lot. So if you weren't serious to date in Support then let get serious because it is a serious department and worth making a career.


Want to learn about Support Management read a book How to Establish & Manage Customer Support Department

Want to get real-time training about Support Center Leadership & Management Training (3 Day training)

To know more information about Pricing & other details contact us by filling the form which you will find on the left-hand side of the website also click on the left-hand side to Chat/Email us.

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